The South-Foreland Electric Light - Druckversion

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The South-Foreland Electric Light - ZaunköniG - 22.05.2007

The South-Foreland Electric Light

From Calais pier I saw a brilliant sight,
And from the sailor at my side besought
The meaning of that fire, which pierced the night
With lustre, by the foaming billows caught.
"'Tis the South Foreland!" I resumed my gaze
With quicker pulse, thus, on the verge of France,
To come on England's brightness in advance!
There! on the waters! In those far-seen rays
I hailed the symbol of her fame in fight:
But, by a change akin to that which brought
The lightning under rule, the martial thought
Flashed itself out, transformed to quiet light;
I turned to all the good she did and taught,
Her shining honour and her moral might.