MY love for thee doth march like armed men - Druckversion

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MY love for thee doth march like armed men - ZaunköniG - 23.07.2007

MY love for thee doth march like armed men
Against a queenly city they would take.
Along that army's front the banners shake;
Across the mountain and the sun-smit plain
It steadfast sweeps as sweeps the steadfast rain;
And now the trumpet makes the still air quake,
And now the thundering cannon doth awake
Echo on echo, echoing again.
But, lo! the conquest higher than bard had sung:
Instead of answering cannon comes a small
White flag; the iron gates are open flung,
And flowers along the invaders' pathway fall.
The city's conquerors feast their foes among,
And their brave flags are trophies on her wall.