THE CLASSIC LARK - Druckversion

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THE CLASSIC LARK - ZaunköniG - 01.01.2011


Farewell, sweet bird, so winsome and so wise !
Though the blue heavens were native to thy flight.
My desk and papers seem'd thy prime delight,
Those odes, and epics, and anthologies !
Methinks, thou wert so fond of ancient lore,
A classic welcome in the shades below
Awaits thee, now thy learned life is o'er :
To fair Elysian meadows thou shalt go,
A happy region, void of rain and storm ;
But when the Stygian boatman chirps to thee
Thy wings expand, thy buoyant heart rebels :
High over Styx I see thy twinkling form ;
I hear old Charon shouting for his fee.
While thou art poised above the asphodels !