The Ocean by Moonlight - Druckversion

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The Ocean by Moonlight - ZaunköniG - 08.05.2012

The Ocean by Moonlight

THE Moon looks on the Deep, so chastely bright
That cloudy patches whiten in her beam,
And like to isles of pearl in ether gleam.
O ancient types of Beauty and of Might!
Ye steep the inner sense and outer sight
In such a lucid and pellucid dream
Of bliss ecstatic, that we, dazzled, seem
To reach fruition of supernal light!
What eye can on this clear evangel gaze,
Old Ocean bathed in beauty by the Moon,
And not endeavour, albeit weak, to raise
Its strong regards to that irradiant boon,
The end and guerdon of our well-spent days,
Which makes in Paradise unshadowed noon!